Sea deliveries

Specificity of our region location  allows us to offer sea container delivery and port forwarding to our customers.

Sea container delivery includes next stages:


• empty containers for goods .loading; 
• paperwork for cargo;
• sea container transportation (from port to port);
• delivery to custom terminal and import customs clearance; 
• container unloading and delivery to the endpoint

This kind of transportation is appropriate if you prefer to economize and there is no reason to hurry. 

«AVIND» company works with seaports of Baltics, Finland, (Kotka, Hamina), Germany (Hamburg), Big Saint-Petersburg seaport.


We do provide port forwarding, what means unloading goods to temporary warehouse, separation and storage under the custom control , and the following  custom clearance.


Besides import sea deliveries, «AVIND»  performs export container transortation from Russia.

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