Road freight

International road freight service is the main direction of «AVIND» freight forwarding company . We provide a full range of road freight services from Europe, Scandinavia, CIS countries , China and entire territory of Russia.


We  provide road freight transportation by semi-trailer tent,  Refrigerated truck/ frigo, with all types of containers ( universal, 20-, 40-, 45- lb.), isolated (HR), dry (DC), HighCube (HC), OpenTop (UT), using container’s chassis instead of abeer chaser.


«AVIND»   performs oversized, dangerous, heavy cargoes transportation, distinguished by any terms ( with or without packaging) and mode ( temperature,humidity). We have great experience  in providing transportation services to companies from different business sectors, such as  Pharmaceuticals, electronics, building materials.At your disposal are FTL and LTL. Shipments can be prefabricated or fully completed, for fully completed goods we offer different automotive vehicles.


Providing road freights at any distance (international, regional, local), we use borrowed automotive vehicles and cooperate with reliable companies.


Specializing in road freight, «N.R.TRANSPORT » offers a wide range of services for either scheme of  transportation. At your disposal:


o    low-cost and convenient route development

o    assistance with import and export documents (EX-1, Т1, CMR, TIR);

o    prompt and timely vehiclesdelivery in time

o    cargo tracking and expediting ,insurance

o    warehousing services

o    Real-time tracking


Thus, every customer can be sure in services quality. We know, that every customer wants to get his shipment quickly and rather cheap,without quality or speed decline, and we do provide the best solutions.

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